Safe Self Luminous Exit Sign Disposal

Safe Self Luminous Exit Sign Disposal

Safe Self Luminous Exit Sign Disposal

Self luminous exit signs are gaining popularity because they do not require any electricity and for a long period, there is no need of replacement. However, self luminous exit sign disposal is a serious concern. Self-luminous exit signs use tritium which is radioactive. This is why self-luminous exit sign disposal need to be safe.


If tritium is disposed freely, it may cause health hazards. Self luminous exit sign disposal is not a difficult task and self luminous exit sign disposal can be done safely. However, if the tritium exit sign busts or break, it may cause accidental hazard. In order to avoid any tritium hazard, self luminous exit sign disposal need to be handle carefully.

Producers of tritium exit signs offer free service of self luminous exit sign disposal for those people who may buy a new tritium exit sign for replacement. But not everyone wishes to buy a new sign. In such case too, self luminous exit sign disposal is not very difficult or expensive. One can attain self luminous exit sign disposal easily at affordable price but needs to remain careful.

View Our Self Luminous Exit Signs

Problems with Disposing of Self Luminous Exit Sign

If tritium is consumed or inhaled, it may cause health hazards. This is why self luminous exit sign disposal is a problem. Tritium exit signs cannot be disposed like other normal trash. Self luminous exit sign disposal need to be safe process to avoid environmental problems. Despite of issues related with self luminous exit sign disposal, tritium exit signs are often used in public buildings because they work without using any electricity. Also, self luminous exit sign disposal is not difficult nor it is costly. Tritium is a radioactive element, but it is not a carcinogen and hence unlike radium, it is very less harmful. Yet, self luminous exit sign disposal is necessary to make sure that no environmental nuance will be caused due to any leakage of tritium in atmosphere.

Self Luminous Exit Sign Safety

Self luminous exit sign disposal is also important because if inhaled, tritium can prove to be a nasty gas causing various health issues. If tritium is ingested, it may cause death. Thus safe self luminous exit sign disposal is required because if tritium exit signs are just thrown with common trash, there are possibilities of living animals ingesting tritium.

Self luminous exit sign disposal process is regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This suggests that there is enough awareness about the importance of safe self luminous exit sign disposal which is a good thing. However, one can avoid this responsibility of affirming safe self luminous exit sign disposal by choosing to buy photo luminescent exit signs that also do not use electricity and they do not contain any tritium hence, no responsibility of self luminous exit sign disposal. But, photo luminescent exit signs are very costly. People prefer to use tritium exit signs and to be responsible for safe self luminous exit sign disposal because it is cheaper.

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